Fees & Registration

Update: Due to restricted on-site capacity we had to close registration for on-site participation for contributed talks on 4th July 2021. Only plenary speakers and speakers in the minisymposia can still register for on-site participation.

Remote participants

Remote participation requires registration and gives access to the Zoom streams associated with the conference. No fee will be charged.

Remote contributed papers will not be scheduled in the live programme. Instead, a 25 minutes video, preferably in mp4 format and possibly a pdf with the slides will be made available for all participants.

There are two options to prepare this video:

  1. You prepare the video yourself and upload it to a folder which we are going to share with you.
  2. You will give your 25 minutes talk on 1. September on Zoom and we will record this talk (“Pre-Numdiff event”). This “Pre-Numdiff” talk may have a small live audience. A live discussion of the talk will not be recorded but postponed to the week of the conference, see next paragraph. The details for this option will depend on time zones an other constraints and will be negotiated by e-mail.

We will ask you by e-mail which option you prefer. During Numdiff, we will schedule a live, synchronous questions-and-answers slots in the programme for your talk. The format for this will be somehow similar to a poster session at a traditional conference.


The regular fee for NUMDIFF-16 is 220 Euro (and 120 Euro student). This fee will be fully refunded (in case the participant cannot come to Halle for personal reasons or in case NUMDIFF-16 has to be held online) except for 25 Euro handling fee.

For the reduced fee of 160 Euro (and 100 Euro for students) we can only refund 50 percent in case of cancellation.

Invited plenary speakers should also register for NUMDIFF, their fee is waived.

Bank transfer

For bank transfer, please use:

Recipient Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Bank Deutsche Bundesbank, Filiale Magdeburg
Refer NUMDIFF, H03060069, Name of participant
IBAN DE05 8100 0000 0080 001524
VAT number DE811353703

Please send a copy of your payment receipt by email to numdiff@mathematik.uni-halle.de.

Mailing list

If you don’t want to register now but want to receive updates on NUMDIFF-16, you can subscribe to our mailing list.