Travel and Accommodation

Travel information

The nearest airport is the airport Leipzig-Halle (LEJ). It is a 30 minute trip from there to the city of Halle by public transport or taxi. Train connections (including local transport) can be obtained from the travel service of the Deutsche Bahn. You can use the following destination keywords: "Straßburger Weg, Halle (Saale)" (conference site), "Zentrum Neustadt, Halle (Saale)" (Tryp by Wyndham Hotel), "Halle (Saale) Hbf" (Halle main train station).

Accommodation in the Hotel "TRYP by Wyndham Halle"

The TRYP by Wyndham Halle (Neustädter Passage 5, 51.48N, 11.926E,, map, +49-345-69310) offers special rates for participants of NUMDIFF-15. A single room can be booked for EUR 56,- per night and double room for EUR 75,- per night (breakfast included). With your hotel pass you can use the public transport within Halle for free.
Please make your reservation at the hotel before 20 July 2018. Please use the code NUMDIFF-15 (only possible, if you book via phone, fax or email but not if you book online) for the special offer. To make your reservation by fax +49-345-6931-626 use the form provided.

Other options for accommodation

Conference Location

The conference will take place in the lecture rooms of the Computer Science building of the Martin-Luther-University at Von-Seckendorff-Platz 1 (51.4965N, 11.9352E, map) accessible by tram No. 7 and bus No. 65, stop Straßburger Weg. Note that bus 65 is a substitute service between Rennbahnkreuz and the "Weinberg Campus" since the main tram line is being re-built.

Social Programme
The excursion on Wednesday afternoon will take us to the city of Dessau-Roßlau where we will visit Bauhaus. We will have guided tours through the main building and the Meisterhäuser.

The Conference Dinner will be on Thursday in the "Tryp by Wyndham".